G18 poster at the Poster Biennale in Mexico
Our exhibitions and their visual identities often do not end only in our archive. The proof is, for example, the poster for the Speed and Escape exhibition, which took place last summer. Veronika Barrera, the author of the visual identity, was selected for the 18th International Poster Biennale in Mexico with her poster Speed and Escape. Congratulations!
“When creating the poster, together with the curator, we based ourselves on historical car advertising posters from the time of the First Republic, which was also the subject of the entire exhibition. The main influence was the aestheticization of speed and technological progress,” Veronika Barrera describes the creative process.
The jury chose from a total of more than 5,000 posters from graphic designers from 80 countries around the world. The poster will be exhibited in one of Mexico’s museums as part of category A – Culture and Education: culture as a public good, towards the SDGs.